Life in Omaha (in Scottsdale)

daily existence away from chicago

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Monday, June 27, 2005

our neighborhood

our neighborhood
Originally uploaded by shermans.

So this is the degraded landscape that we trudge through every night. That is Camelback Mt in the background (I think). The Via Ventura sits right in the middle of some pretty exclusive property. This is the McCormick Ranch golf course: a private clubby sort of place, quite unlike our group of apartment buildings. I'm certain that conspiracies are underfoot to wipe our little apartment complex off the map. We are the unsightly neighbors, the ones you hope stay indoors and at least mow the lawn before your open house.

But we get to enjoy the view for much less than the landed gentry. This shot is taken from the bike path on the Scottsdale Greenbelt. It's about a five minute walk from our front door. The three of us regularly stroll the path in the evenings, fending off the panhandling ducks and falling asleep in our stroller.


At 4:33 PM, Blogger Breezy said...

Hi, I wanted to say thanks for taking this awesome picture! I am getting ready to move and I just wanted to find some pictures of my neighborhood before we left so I googled it and found this beautiful picture you took of the lake. It looks like we moved into the same complex around the exact same time!


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